Her: Insanity Day 4 Cardio Recovery


During the first round of Insanity it was a completely different story. I was hurting, sweating and wondering where exactly the recovery bit of the workout was. Then it dawned on me, it must be the bit when you get to press stop. All the stretches and plank work hurt soooo much but I kept pushing through. It did help to alleviate some of the aches and pains but I still came away walking like a duck. Such an attractive look for a woman.

This time around was a complete and utter surprise. I was expecting my thighs, shoulders and arms to be burning all the way through, but no; I was able to stretch and hold, it felt amazing. For once I didn’t end up shouting every profanity I could think of, but instead came away feeling like all my aches and pains from the previous days workouts had completely  vanished.

Wow, just… wow.

Can’t wait for tomorrow.


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